Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Pet Friendly Home

I was thrilled when I learned that some of our favorite clients wanted to incorporate their love for pets into their home. As a pet lover, and dog owner myself, my least favorite task is moving the dog gate. A recent new construction project incorporated a wonderful idea to divide interior space and keep dogs in designated areas, and I love the way it turned out! I welcome your great ideas for a pet friendly home.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Living Large in a Small space

I am so thrilled with our new project. ML Designs is renovating a villa for a couple who are downsizing and want to live large in a small space. I thought if we are having this much fun with it, it might just be something to share. The first of every month will be dedicated to the villa, the challenges we face, victories and loads of pictures. I hope you all enjoy this project as much as I am looking forward to starting.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January, January

After the holidays wrap, I am ready for a long vacation on a sunny beach with an umbrella cocktail. I am a summer person in general, but enjoy the cold weather until.... January arrives. January and February seem like endless cold months. March offers some hope of warmer days in the near future. I have included some pictures from our last photo shoot that make me long for my lounge chair and a great book.